
Python Data Analysis

What is the relationship between GDP and Life-Expectancy? Using various python libraries (pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn) and data from the WHO and the World Bank, I will seek to find that out in a visual investigation!

Biodiversity & National Parks
Python Data Analysis

Many thousands of species are at various degrees of risk across the world. By limiting our field to parks in the United States and finding patterns of the kinds of species at risk, the rate of observations for endangered and non-at-risk species alike, we can perhaps clue together what kind of species are most likley at risk, at which parks, and more!

NYC Apartments
Python Data Analysis

New York has one of the most expensive housing markets in the world- this much is well known. But digging beyond that, can we use the power of python and its powerful data-oriented libraries to find unique yet interesting corrleations between variables in apartment data? Using data provided from StreetEasy, I perform a visual analysis of a NYC apartment dataset to come to some interesting conclusions!
